…And thus Unmasked !!!

BANANI DAS CHOWDHURY, 28/03/2017…..   They never know The battles unknown I fight The demons which snatches mine smile to traverse the road to happiness The thorns that prickles upon the path to put mine freedom behind those closed bars Every time mind weaves a nest of its own thus… splitting the persona into two… Continue reading …And thus Unmasked !!!

Relive !!!

BANANI DAS CHOWDHURY, 19/03/2017…..   I want to die but… Just one day Don’t kill me every day Don’t snatch mine breath every moments Don’t collapse mine heart beats in every season Don’t cage mine soul for every reasons Let me live at peace till that day comes when finally I rest in peace I… Continue reading Relive !!!

That Uncaged Cage !!!

BANANI DAS CHOWDHURY, 18/02/2017…..   We are born free but… yet choose to be caged That’s what this castle of love is all about Love colours feathers of emotions varied It’s blessings in disguise To fly high upon the horizon of heart Yet binds the souls together in unison But we choose to live still… Continue reading That Uncaged Cage !!!

The Flight Mode On!!!

  BANANI DAS CHOWDHURY, 24/09/2016…   “You are a fairy with wings, sent from Heavens’ on earth, to fly high”, said ‘she’ to me, when I was born under this wide open sky to breathe free. But do fairies have the same tales? It was a fateful day, when it happened. The wide horizon I… Continue reading The Flight Mode On!!!


BANANI DAS CHOWDHURY, 03/09/2016… She could spread her wings to fly But… Sometimes in the name of “heaven” The other times in the name of “hell” Why thee cage her being??? She has her own horizon Its her own flight… She has her own voyage Let her ‘now’ fly For… Thou can’t ‘imprison’ her freedom… Continue reading FREEdoom!!!