…As it started !!!

BANANI DAS CHOWDHURY, 09/05/2017….. Everything was inside me Yet it was locked since ages He came and unlocked those cages And since then a new journey has began He renewed mine being A newer version of mine that I never met before he made me meet that, I started feeling innocent The child inside me… Continue reading …As it started !!!

unKnown !!!

BANANI DAS CHOWDHURY, 07/04/2017….. I knew not how did it happened What if I could have known it before What an unexpected encounter it was That moment of love Mine beloved… Hearts beating in unison to spread those wings of love Soul envisioned a surreal saga of love A connection so magical As miracle that… Continue reading unKnown !!!

That Unzoned Realm !!!

BANANI DAS CHOWDHURY, 21/03/2017…..   A new realm within… I discovered when yoU took mine feels on a voyage to explore it deep Your surreal connection thus brought mine being To dive beneath the shallow uncovering that zone which seemed alien to mine since time unkonwn That’s the way yoU made her meet in me… Continue reading That Unzoned Realm !!!